It's the age-old story with us. The real power of demons is in language: lying narratives that they sucker dupes into accepting as true.

I was reading the Catholic lectionary yesterday and this verse jumped out at me:

"And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,

which is the word of God." Eph 6:17

The SWORD of spirit (pneuma in Greek-- wind or breath) is a metaphor for the power of the pneuma to act in our human realm: through words. Our actions are controlled by which words we accept and internalize as truth.

This corresponds to the sword of Jesus's mouth in Revelation:

Revelation 1:16 (NIV)

16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

It is the power of words that affect human action. Similarly, for demons to have power in our realm, their "breathy influence" must be distilled into words that we hear (or read) and then decide to accept or reject. There's no woo-woo here-- demons cannot affect us unless they use words. They present their wicked narratives to us in a variety of ways: media, government, academia, other people spreading lies, even hearing voices (words). But we always have the God-given freedom to accept or reject those words.

We see this power at work today in all the lies circulating around that are accepted by way too many people (including the institutional churches): transgenderism, klot shots, climate change, etc. ... pick your favorite lie. Stupid, self-impressed, and arrogant people dismiss God's truth revealed to us in scripture, refusing to submit to it. They reject the living waters of God's instruction but then they turn around and drink from the poisoned well of the lies of this world (i.e., institutions). Then they act on the lies by attending drag queen story hours, taking the bioweapon klot shots, etc. As the Apostle Paul teaches us, they will receive "in themselves the due penalty for their error."

We protect our minds from these demonic narratives by immersing our minds in God's life-giving narrative in scripture according to the Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox canon. The quotes on your excellent link give many examples of this. I would add Moses' teaching in Deuteronomy:

Deuteronomy 28:14 (NIV)

14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.

Where the "other gods" refers to the source of lying, unscriptural narratives, whatever, whoever, or wherever that other source is. We don't need to speculate about that as theology and metaphysics does because this removes us from what the real fight has always been since the development of language: a narrative war of the world's lies vs. God-revealed truth. The institutional churches have been seduced by sophistry and are so busy staring off into metaphysical space or being conciliar with the wicked narratives that they're not even in the fight.

As the ecclesia-- those called out by the scriptural words-- our call of duty is to submit single-mindedly to God's instruction, to conform our lives to his instruction, and to speak out (with words) against the world's lies regardless of the consequences to us.

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Another excellent response. I need to get busy on my website with my language related tabs and the end-times.

"The SWORD of spirit (pneuma in Greek-- wind or breath) is a metaphor for the power of the pneuma to act in our human realm: through words. Our actions are controlled by which words we accept and internalize as truth."

We know that John's gospel tells us that the Word created all things and was made flesh and dwelt among us.

The other day I was listening to a fellow who pointed out an interesting aspect of WORDS.

If we move the 's' at the end of WORDS, to the front of the line, we have SWORDS!

So, I agree that words, from the beginning with the serpent until the end will be used to deceive. Words have a creative energy, for good, or evil, and that is why there is a push to change definitions of words like man, woman, and how we use our pronouns he, she, among other things.

Just as an aside, it really grieves me that when looking for a link to scripture so those who don't have a bible might read the Word for themselves, I have to sift through many 'christian' websites that are filled with sleazy ads. to try and find a 'clean' link.

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Excellent videos. People don't realize the demonic power that is at work in the chaos and crazy-making going on. God has the means to protect our minds, but we need to yield to Him: https://www.openbible.info/topics/guard_your_mind

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